Tuesday, 1 March 2016

A letter to my daughter which I wish her to read some day

Dear Mol

This is  a letter I wish to read to you at some stage for the choices I took for you.

Parenting is an  evolving process. Its priorities are always changing although the botton line is the same –happiness. When your grandma was raised, the main aim was her to be a good wife. Education took a backseat. When I was raised, grandma prepared me to become a good wife besides giving me an exceptional education. My parents were courageous to send me to Australia unmarried. They let me go to explore the world on my own…How I was in for a few surprises in the real world!!!

When you came into my life, as a mum, I decided that I am going to embed you the skill set to face the world with courage and pluck, besides educating you ….
From my life events and the people I have admired , this is what I wish to tell you.
  1. Be blissful of your body. You own it. No one has the right to take that away
  2. Be wary of strangers. The world has a good mix of nice and not nice people.
  3. Wherever you go, there will be a ‘someone’ to mess your day. Let them screw theirs and not yours.
  4. Look after yourself. People will feel a moment’s sympathy but not your pain.
  5.  Happiness comes in small and big packets. You, daddy and baby were them!!!!
  6. If you are happy with yourself, you have learnt the greatest trick of the trade.
  7. Learn to say no. Saying yes to everything burns you out eventually.
  8. Keep promises which you are sure fulfill. This is less distressful and more peaceful.
  9.  Honesty is still valued. We want you to tell us the good and the not very good events of your life.
  10. Food on the table did not appear out of the blue. Someone actually took the car out, shopped, cleaned and cooked it for you.
  11. Like you, mummy and daddy also get tired. We also slow down.
  12. Helping out gets the boat going. Proactiveness is appreciated everywhere.
  13. We appreciate every good little things you do. That is what a pat in the back and compliments are for. We also like that in return!!!
  14. The not very good things need corrections. We believe in second chances.
  15. We hand you out rewards because we are happy with the choices you made. Likewise we painfully hand out penalties for the sad choices you took.
  16. We discuss if something upsets you. We try to make such events less frequent and live life more fruitfully.
  17. Mummy and daddy are not rich. We promise to keep you well fed, well-groomed and well educated. The rest of it will be considered seriously .
  18. All members have equal gastronomical importance. Mummy may not be able to fulfil all your needs at once.. You will all have your turn, that includes daddy.
  19. Education =====respect. Mummy will teach you something new everyday. It could range from swimming to photosynthesis to baking cookies... Self-sufficiency and ability to acquire new skills are looked in any role you wish to take up in future.
  20. Nature is beautiful. Enjoy the fresh air, birds singing and flowers blooming. It has a happy effect.
  21. Take each experience as a learning curve. Try something new. Every day is a self-discovery day. You are still not aware of all your capabilities.
  22. Mummy and daddy also make mistakes not because we did it on purpose. But because we were born as parents the day you were born to us. We are learning too!! Forgive us!!
  23. We are an old fashioned family. We love the magic words "thank you, sorry and please". Thank you means you acknowledge, Sorry means repent and Please means humbleness.
  24. Let creativity and imagination fill your life. Mummy enjoys going into the magical world of Elsa and Anna, Cinderella and handsome prince and of course Care bears with you....You bring out the child in me.
  25. Finally no one loves you more than your family. Mummy and daddy does everything for you not because it is our duty, but because we simply love you!!

Dance in the rain
Taste the raindrops
Sing whilst you bathe
Paint away
Say stories in your magical voice
Fill everywhere with peals of your laughter
I adore you my baby like there is no tomorrow
Make every moment a dream come true
Happiness is contagious,
Spread it like wild Fire




  1. Very well written Chandni! A very good gist of things I would want my kids to know and learn too... Keep writing!

  2. Wow! There is so much for me to learn from here! !!! Lot of thought! So wonderful to see this Chandni :) Very proud of you girl!

  3. Such a thoughtful gesture Chandni! I'm sure Ammu will understand and value your words and appreciate the thought behind it :)
    It has got something for not only my child but also for me to learn from ;)

  4. That's quiet a list there..how u find time to do all that cooking baking paintings writing ..... with two kids is beyond me

  5. Warm, heart felt and touching...
    I have learnt so much by just reading this once... I can't promise that this will b the last time I read this .. Planning a family has always brought out an anxiety within me... Constantly wondering if il make a good parent ... Or what will I do if I mess up... But reading what you've written today has reassured me... We make mistakes and learn from them.. ( I hope we will be forgiven too) ...this makes me want to be a parent even more... Bless you for your writing skills Chindu!!!! I look forward to reading more and more from you ... Mmuah

  6. What an awesome letter chechu... every child would love to read such a beautiful letter from their parents... i am sure that our ammu dear gonna love this one day....:)
