Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Centre of the universe

Dear Mol

 “What if the sun stopped shining when you got up one morning?

Upon coming to Australia, I began to miss my mother’s soothing voice, my dad’s reassurance and my sister’s laughter. I was indeed very lonely. This was when Daddy , you and Baby came along.

Being brought up innocently, I mistook the people I came across as my own family. How wrong was I!! I learnt it the very hard way!! I met a lot of wrong people when you came along. My feeling of inadequacy soared and I thought something was seriously wrong with me.
My dear Mol, there was nothing wrong with me, this was an indication that time had come to re-examine myself. It was time for me to assess my self-worth and take radical steps to raise my self-esteem.                                                                                                                                                                                              
Mol at some stage in your life you will learn about the universe. The sun is the centre and the master of the universe. All the others simply revolve around it. Remember you are the supreme power in your life. This is a lesson I learnt late in life and have been actively practicing the following to keep me sane!!

  1. Competing with yourself is the hardest and most fulfilling. Winning ===radical improvement in life.
  2. Find time daily to do the things which unwinds you. It could be reading , smelling a flower to trying something new.
  3. Finish up the chores which least motivates you in the early part of the day. This means you have rest of the day to enjoy!!
  4. You don’t have to answer every question imposed on you by others. Some questions are the best unanswered.
  5. Do not allow every Tom Dick and Harry to come into your private space. Turn them off gently. If they don’t get it, tell them off firmly.
  6. Find time for your passions. Saying you don’t have time is just an excuse.
  7. Keep a list of people whose character you admire. Replicating what you can, is a good beginning.
  8. Forgive , but do not forget. It is a pain to mess with the same people for the same reasons.
  9. Caring and protecting yourself is not selfishness, but being kind to yourself.
  10.  For each aim you have succeeded, reward yourself. Rewards are not just for little children and people at work. Everyone needs motivation.
  11.  Make peace with your past. The day you do that will mean you have removed a hard wall from your life and you have moved forward.
  12. Brooding over your past and mistakes leads you nowhere. Mistake means it was an option which didn’t work well for the situation. After all experience is the best teacher!!
  13. Keep a dedicated time for social media. Place your phone in the room farthest to you, when you are in bed.
  14. Own a happy diary to jot down the events of your life that made it worth living. In your not very good days, this is the best booster which reminds of the great person you are!!! This great little book is a keeper.
  15. Write everyday 5 sentences what you feel the luckiest about. The first should be, you woke up alive.

Mol, the richest and the luckiest man is that super soul who can fall asleep with a smiling face.



  1. Very well written Chandni... Even though I didn't meet many toxic people after I came to the USwith my newborn son, the loneliness sure was there... Moving places was my way of radical change

  2. Wow !! Ive learnt a lot by just reading this.. No 15 is something I'm going to start doing hence forth.. Im able to relate to the first half and as you rightly said we learnt the hard way �� But in the process I'd say it made us stronger and a better person. God bless .. Ammu has an amazing mother ..

  3. Its superbly written Chandni. was so soothing and ....personally it was really an eye opener for me..keep it up.....

  4. Nice one Chandni. You every post has some great eye openers.

  5. Good job. worth hanging in room

  6. I am sure your daughter will cherish this letter ... Very well written.

  7. Nicely written.. loved the points.

  8. Hey Dear, Well said !!

    The emotional conflicts we go through very often has been put across clearly !

    Want to hear more of it 😀👍
