Thursday, 13 December 2012

Toilet Training- Realizations

As the toilet training is going on in full swing , there were some interesting realizations I had about  Miss little sunshine and me:)

The most important one in the list was faith in your child. What I realized over time was that in fact from the day she arrived was that each  baby is different. They have  their own personality which was always there from the time she was in the womb. They have their own speed of learning and in fact their own style as well. Acknowledging that , giving them ample time to pick up a new skill makes life as parent and a child more rewarding and contentment. Pressurizing bubby  does not lead you anywhere except for the fact she will be scared to take risks and becoming nervous to try out new ventures. As a parent you become more stressed out depriving you the last drop your peace of mind you had in the first place.

There will be many a time when you will  will be blamed as parent, by loved ones and of course the people around. In fact I  received  remarks from a lot of people regarding my inability to toilet train the little brat. It did make me nervous for a while, but duly acknowledged the parent for the good job she had done for her child.  Simply believe in your child it will happen and sit back to enjoy life.

I remember as a child I was one of the slowest in the class. It took me ages to grasp that A was A, B was B .....In fact I could not hold my pencil correctly and used to be in tears everyday. I used to dread going to school as I got a beating on the knuckle with the wooden scale everyday.  My rank was 27/28 in 2nd rank from behind lols...My ever beautiful mom never blamed me even once , though I can bet with at most with 100 percent confidence that she was nervous to her skin's wit why was I different from other kids. But it was her faith in me , her confidence and extremely innovative ways of teach me without ever taking the cane that I am still fortunate to do a PhD today. I do have to admit that I'm still slow at grasping new concepts unlike my counterparts. So if I were like this , how could I expect my child to pick up on hour's notice? In fact patience, lots of compliments and rewards are the key for teaching your little one anything you want. Failures are bound to happens. Simply ackowledge her and just tell her to move on...

What do you say?



  1. Can really relate to your thought am a mother myself and Mariah my daughter is of ammus age ..I like ur style of writing with a hint of good humor and heart touching emotions ..

  2. Thank You for visiting my blog...These are emotions which will be visiting on and off in your life as a parent.
    When Anu and I were first becoming parents, we thought parenthood is only for 20-30 years after which she is married off and we are free...but now that we realize, it is for a lifetime...How many times do we go back to our own parents with insecurities , doubts, counseling and simply to share our good experiences?
