Sunday, 9 August 2015

To accept or not

A Monday afternoon conversation in the office kitchen in a reputed uni back in 2012 that started casually:

Lady: “How was your weekend?”
Me:” No Good”
Lady: “Why?”
Me: “Daughter had an asthma attack.”
Lady:” So who is looking after her today?”
Naïve Me again:” My husband is looking after her today”.
Lady:” So you are not even capable of managing your own child” and simply walks away.

I was flabbergasted and stuck to the ground. Emotions began to flood in a while. The rest of the day became hazy and I was totally unaware of what was going around. I went home to cry shamelessly in front of my husband and poured everything to him. He comforted the hysterical me but reminded me gently “She has ruined your day for sure, let her not ruin your capabilities.”

Life back then was throw balling challenges at a fast rate then in the form of uni, work, exams, unexpected illnesses and trips to India. At one stage it started to get frightening and overwhelming.

 We then decided to invest in something for our long term happiness. We took the first step by going for Reiki healing sessions. The initial few hours were about why we were both sitting in that room. The wise teacher finally spoke “No two days of our life are mirror images. Each day of our life throws us challenges; sometimes big, sometimes small. They can be in the form of people and incidents. Happiness and sadness are just emotions that come along with them. Take it, accept it and finally FORGET it. Treat the outcome of each challenge as a lesson, learn from it and move on. They are only here to make you stronger.” Remember it is easier to blow out a candle in the wind than to set it alight.

Speaking of people, have you ever noticed the difference between happy people and sensitive people? Life gives its fair share of challenges to both people. It is really the attitude which is different.

 Happy people simply see through nasty people, accept that this is the best that you can get off them and move on. They are like ducks. Why ducks of all animals? Why not a tiger or a lion or an eagle?
Pour water on the duck’s back. Not a drop of water is absorbed. All is washed away.

Sensitive people like me on the other hand have an elephant’s memory. All the events are stored in a chronological order, scrutinised and don’t enjoy life’s best moments to the fullest.
I always try to remember the golden words “Life is indeed a gold mine”. In the mine, precious gold is found embedded in dirt. Pick up the gold and leave the dirt behind. In our school days, we have all learnt the concept of gravity. Gravity is a force whose hobby is to pull everything down. Similarly in life, there are more people to pull you down or to scrape away at least a little peace in you. You can never make the world perfect, but definitely you can rewire your attitude.

I end this post with the beautiful serenity prayer that stuck some chord somewhere within me.
God grant me the                                         serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can
  and wisdom to know the difference.

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  1. Fabulously written!!! I can relate to your emotions.. The line where Anu said 'let her not ruin your capabilities', that's something I've had to learn the hard way.. Keep writing more :) I'm sure there's so many people out there who think the same thoughts but can't put it into words like you.. God bless !!

    1. Wow..that was so encouraging. .thought i was getting a bit out of control lols

  2. Hi da, this is Soumya. Wow!!!! What an amazing post. I understand how some people can be so nasty but it's easier when you think that these people and their words have no significance in your life so why bother :)
    Believe in yourself because you are way above these people and their nastiness :)

    1. True...learning away. .thx for stopping by

  3. Wow! Beautifully written Chandini. You are truly an inspiration. Waiting to read more and more. xx
