Dear Mol,
Being a science graduate, Mummy always likes to link Physics and real life. I found it extremely hard to memorize anything, but found it ok to grasp concepts when a story was attached. A little trick grandma instilled in me when I was little.
Mol, let’s talk about energies. There was once a great scientist named Newton who conceived the theory “Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It can be only transferred from one place to another”.
Mol, in this world, we always believe there are two types of people-good and the bad. Realistically speaking I like to think as the people with negative and positive energies.
We are always told “your friends and your life situations will shape the person you become “…so true….
Have you noticed that friends with positive energy can actually make you happy while the negative ones can drain you out?
Positive energy is evolved with words, actions and thoughts. Your actions if positive in intentions will evolve positive results. This may not be evident straight away but may give you the result years later. Our ancient texts call it karma. And remember always “what goes around comes around”.
Mol life situations have made me realise the beauty of positive energy. It is indeed from the depth of my heart I believe the following:
- Laugh every single day of your life. Sharing a joke or a hilarious moment with your loved ones can actually make you a lover of life.
- Make a 5 minute quality time with every member of your home. This simple ritual could be just holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes….the options are endless here J
- Stop becoming an annoying sympathetic. Be an empathetic. Putting yourself in someone’s shoes give you a better perspective about life.
- To become a fountain of positive energy, you have to build one.. Mol have you thought about the concept of a fountain. It needs an overflow of clean water. For this you need a fresh source of energy and a good recycling system. Good sources would include meditation, reading good books and a strong sense of wellbeing. Recycling would mean examining your life critically from time to time, cleaning out the negative elements and sustaining the positive ones.
- Energy can never be bottled. It is a free spirit which travels around. When you are happy, you will spread happiness unknowingly.
- Recollect your school life. The challenges you faced in year 1 was way too different when you were in year 12. Your teachers prepared at each level and you faced the next level with grace and courage. Mol, life is also the same. Each time you pass the little ones, life puts in the next bigger riskier challenges in front of you. Can you think of a better example other than marriage and parenting?
- Your attitude is like the tyre of your car. A flat tyre will not take you far. You will have to change it at some stage.
- Remember no events in your life is an accident. Every person who crosses your path is there for a reason. Some are to boost your happiness while some become the necessary reasons to find your happiness.
- Living in the comfort zone is like a life of a frog in the well. Some situations will come just to move you out the comfy zone. You will find happiness though it is not evident straight away but will make you a stronger you…a better you….
- Every challenge is hard in the beginning messy in the middle and delightful in the end. When I became your mummy, I was overwhelmed with sleepless nights, confused in juggling home and work and finally years later when I think back, I could not think of a life without you….Mol this is what the beautiful law of thermodynamics says…When two independent stable systems are brought together, some disturbances are sure to take place. This will not last forever. Once the disturbances subside, a new stable system is evolved.
- Like building a support system for your health and finances, it is important to build one for your mental wellbeing. Friends, good reads, therapists, teachers are all a part of it.
- Hobbies can always calm you down. It is not an excuse to wash it down the drain once you enter marriage and parenting. Your children will observe and understand that pursuing your hobbies is a channel to positive energy and happiness.
- Mol, every person you come across can never be your friend. It is not because he/she is bad, but because everyone is not everyone’s cup of tea. Accept and move on.
- Mol as accomplish your goals in life, it is unnecessary to share it with every tom, Dick and Harry. Not everyone shares your same level of excitement when you complete building your house and get promoted at work. Why make them unhappy?
- We have often noticed nature has a way of showing subtle signs before the strike of a calamity. Our body is the same. Before the onset of a calamity, it shows tiny signs. If you have been mindful, you can start the repair process straight away…someone wise said a stitch in time always saves nine….
Life is a funny teacher. It will put in conflicting situations in front of you. It is merely teaching you the art of prioritising and decision making.
When you have conflicting situations at work and home, a beautiful reminder is “my work will find my replacement, but my child will never have another mother”
Wish you all the more peace and joy,