Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Harmful or Helpful?

Peering into today's world, empathy and kindness are fast disappearing traits.

Seeing this post in Facebook, depresses me.

I am not trying to sound as a feminist here but reality is that, this is highly toxic. In yesteryears and in today’s world to some extent, the most desired quality for a wife is to be the “sacrificial scapegoat”.

I have known many a woman when are sick to the core, hide from their loved ones and continue to perform the wife and mother’s “Expected statement of duties” with a smile cringing with pain inside. The rest of the family members label her as a “superhuman”, “backbone of the family” and take her for granted over time as well as become more than ever dependent over her. But how long does this actually last? It may be possible in a case of flu but not for cancer.

Girls, take rest and look after yourselves first. You are saving your families from a greater risk. Isn’t it that is exactly told to you by the airs hostess before flight take-off? In case of an emergency attend to yourself first and then the others. If you are falling sick, just say you are and hand over the inevitable home duties to others. It is not possible to live a fairy tale all the time.

Forgive me for being cynical. This phase is great for other members of the family as well. It is a reality check where other members are being equipped to face emergency situations with pluck, courage and most importantly empathy and consideration. In effect you are increasing the skill set of your loved ones.

People, as we join new work/team, we are issued with a statement of duties. What makes the team efficient and productive? It is when the team members cheerfully help out each other at the time of crisis and steer the boat smoothly during rough weather.
Isn’t family the same in reality?
Shoot me your thoughts.

Love Chad


  1. May be we secretly love being superhuman....Or could it be because we don't want our duties to be compromised....Or is it because we are waiting for that caring soul to come and offer us their help...

  2. Nice job on expressing your views genuinely! I really enjoyed reading your blog. Totally agree that depending on one person in the family cannot go on for a long period . Sharing responsibilities and caring for each other in a family creates a great support system ,especially during tough times.For a reality check,we need to ask ourselves if we are doing our part ?or are we trying to escape from these responsibilities ?

    1. Thx Mallu for your encouraging words. Means a lot :)

  3. Good one Chad!
    The times have definitely changed for the good and a lot of men take pride in sharing the domestic activities along with their better half. That being said, there are still a bunch of people who believe or like to believe that the women in their lives are super humans due to which they can just sit back and relax. They choose to turn a blind eye instead of lending a hand.
    Kudos to the ones who stick to 'Sharing is caring' and may god help the rest!!

    1. Thx for stopping by and your support dear travel bug.
