As many an immigrant, when I landed on the shores of Ozzie land, a wave of emotions swept past me upon seeing pretty displays in the shops. I was always thrilled when I struck upon a good bargain. Until once I saw a dress at a reduced price. Immediately I wanted to own it and rushed to the store to buy it. The following week, as I was strolling past the same shop, to my utter amazement, the dress was reduced to half the price of the previous week...This was when I realized face value of anything was different in reality.
When I lived with my parents , everything was rosy and people actually meant what they said...When I moved out,I began to realize that actual words and promises were limited to my parents house. When elections come, we hear politicians giving away a lot of free promises which we discard on the spot. We don't brood about it as all their actions are expected. We are only flabbergasted when they actually do something which was promised...
At this instance I would like to share an incident with you. One day one of my neighbours called me to let me know she was starting a biryani catering venture and wanted me to spread the word. As my daughters birthday came closer, I called her to ask whether she was still running the business. So I requested her to give me the price quote and she told me she would get back to me. That was the last time I heard from her....
This was when I remembered the famous story running in our family for generations. It was called the 'lunch at the neighbours house'.
A father in his deathbed told his son " There is a lunch waiting for you next door. Never lose it". The son took the father's wish to heart. The next time the neighbour saw him , he was offered lunch. Without giving a moment's thought, the son went and had lunch. Ever since the neighbour never invited him for lunch.
Recently the same neighbour saw mom and me strolling around. She immediately invited us for lunch and mom smiled at me knowingly:)